Tuesday 19 January 2010

Puss in Boots visits allotment

Pippi is a confused cat who was probably a dog in a previous life. We went to the allotment yesterday and she decides to join us. This is OK on the way there, but not on the way back when a spaniel, a labrador and 2 pointers are walking around the field. On the way back I am carrying a bag of potatoes and a spade and trying to time the walk across the field when there are no dogs nearby. The man with the Spaniel throws a ball towards us using one of the those sticks things that throws the ball twice as far. The cat retreats to the brambles while the man says good thing my dog didn't see that cat. I said that cat is my cat, the man looks at me strangely! Then Spiderman suggests putting the cat in the bag with the potatoes but the cat is not impressed with this idea. The only option is to grab the cat and run across the field leaving the spade, bag of potatoes and spiderman, drop the cat in the back garden and run back!

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